Today was already the last day of the Sitecore symposium, and we are sorry to see it end. But we did have some truly inspirational moments and shared thoughts with peers in the past three days.
Like every morning, today opened with a keynote. It was Jay Baer on stage today, a Customer & Marketing Speaker who has worked with many brands and companies to set up their experience marketing strategy and become a loved brand that customers talk about.
“I found his keynote to be very spot on what building experiences mean,” Max and Jeroen say.
Renate had already done a bit of homework. “I received a tip about Jay a couple of months ago, so I already follow him on Twitter, and sometimes listen to his podcasts about ‘Youtility’. I also read his book about this topic,” she says. “Youtility is about the fact that you should not do digital marketing from a hype perspective, because everybody is doing it, but rather because it will help you to achieve your strategic objectives. This is 100% in line with what we do at Onmodus: taking the guesswork out by creating customer experiences based on their needs. Jay’s story triggers me to think and challenge myself about customer experience, and helps me think in different ways about creating an experience for loved brands and insights about loyalty.”
Then it was time for the last rounds of breakout sessions. For Renate, this meant a master class on generating business value using Context Marketing. This master class was split into two parts: the first part was all about accelerating Context Marketing initiatives. The second part was all about how Sitecore customers have brought this into practice. “It's always cool to see how context marketing works and see possibilities to set-up Context Marketing, because this gives me new insights and ideas and also let me think about how I can bring this into practice with our clients and their customers,” Renate explains. “After this session, I joined the closing keynote from Ryan Donovan, SVP of Product Management at Sitecore. He gave a peek into Sitecore’s future roadmap regarding digital marketing, and how the technology supports this.” Although it's still work in progress, I become very enthusiastic about plans they have to upgrade even further the possibilities of doing Context Marketing and listening to your customer all within one system.
Looking back on the 2.5-day symposium and all the inspirational keynotes, breakout sessions, talks with peers and Sitecore’s roadmap, we found a lot of great information to take back to the Netherlands.
Jeroen starts us off with his impressions: “For me, it was great to join and get to learn the Sitecore community and learn all about Sitecore commerce. I am looking forward to learn and get to know the even more peers from the Sitecore community”.
As for Renate, the key takeaways she wants to note are “we really need to think differently about content creation, start investing in analysing your data in your team or invest in a business analyst and provide a digital training program on all company levels which lead to understanding and career growth paths".
Hope you enjoyed our input during the symposium days. If you want to learn more about us, please stay tuned. New blogs will follow soon. And if you want to get to know us better, please get in touch. We are looking forward to driving your digital destiny and bringing technology, marketing & sales together to build relevant and personal experiences for your customers.